ARTinfoINDIA.COM is glad to announce Peacock – The National Bird as theme for 3rd All India Art Competition for School Children. Which is to depict our love and concern for Peacock – The National Bird through paintings and drawings. This is a one of its kind opportunity to discover the latent talent of budding and upcoming generation through their sincere and creative thoughts about nation.
Our sole aim is to sensitize/motivate/educate young and budding children through art towards the importance of our National Symbols.
Theme: Peacock – The National Bird (Children can make it more interesting by adding the ambience like garden, flowers, monuments, trees etc. or it could be simply The Peacock.).
Medium: Drawing, Painting, Collage or Mix Media (Do not Paste 3D material on artwork)
Participation Fee: Rupees 100/- (One Hundred Only)
Closing Date 16th August, 2014
For Detaild Information Click on Link Given below
Kishore Shanker